RBA 10月3日 中井共同代表が日本入管法改正について講演

RBA- Roppongi Bar Association  -東京の外国人弁護士が中心となった組織主催にてイミケン共同代表である中井正人氏が最近の日本入管法改正について(高度人材のポイントシステム、在留カード施行についてなど) 講演します。講演は英語になりますが、在日外国人弁護士との交流のよい機会にもなりますので、ご関心あるかたはぜひご参加ください。どなたでもご参加可能です。

RBA 主催 「最近の日本入管法についての改正はどのように在日外国人と日本経済へインパクトがあるか」  

日時:10月3日(水) 19:00-21:00 pm

場所:センチュリーコート 丸の内 (ディナーも提供されます)


 参加費用:    RBA会員5000円  非会員7000 円

*アメリカ弁護士資格者はこのセミナー参加により単位認定がされます(CLE: NY and CA CLE :sponsored by Bingham McCutchen LLP)

お申込み: events@rbalaw.org へ直接メールにてお願いします。



Please join the RBA in welcoming Masahito Nakai, as he discusses recent significant revisions to Japanese immigration law, including a points system to accept more highly skilled foreign professionals, the abolition of the Alien Registration Card, and the introduction of Residence Cards. Nakai-sensei will first provide a brief history of Japanese immigration law in the post-War era, then describe the current system, comparing it to immigration laws in other countries. Finally, Nakai-sensei will turn to the “points based” system introduced in May of 2012, and the abolishment of the Alien Registration Card in July.

Masahito Nakai is Managing Partner of one of the largest and longest established immigration law firm in Japan. As an administrative attorney, Mr. Nakai has provided assistance to more than 300 listed companies worldwide as well as a multitude of individual cases. Last year, he founded Japan Immigration Law Practitioners Association (JILPA) to conduct a bi-monthly workshop to learn about the immigration laws of other countries. As a co-chair of JILPA, he would like to invite foreign lawyers to speak about their immigration system at the JILPA .

‘How will New Immigration Laws Impact Foreign Citizens and the Japanese Economy?’

DAY:  Wednesday, October 3, 2012

TIME:  7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

VENUE:   Century Court Marunouchi (Dinner, drinks, dessert and coffee/tea will be served.)

ACCESS http://www.century-court.com/accessmap.html

COST:   JPY5000 for 2012 RBA Members JPY7000 for non-RBA Members

CLE:   NY and CA CLE credit offered (sponsored by Bingham McCutchen LLP)

RSVP:    events@rbalaw.org